FREE Resource:
3 Fatal IELTS Speaking Mistakes
Increase your band score now by avoiding these 3 errors!
Stop making these 3 mistakes!
Get the IELTS Speaking score you deserve!
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Welcome! I'm Rachel!

My clients and students asked for this and I'm so happy to help!
You probably speak English every day at home, work or school and need to take the IELTS exam for your career, study or immigration.
You want to ensure that the examiners give you the band you deserve.
You are too busy to take a course not relevant to your needs and want to study independently and efficiently.
I developed this free resource to help you do just that. It's based on my 30 years of experience as a Professional English Language Specialist supporting students to study on their terms. ENJOY!
Feel confident in your IELTS speaking exam!
Learn the 3 main mistakes and how to avoid them. Get your desired score quickly.
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